Pooshesh Hayate Sabz

Pooshesh Hayate Sabz

Subject: Producer of fruit preservative materials

Province: Mazandaran

Address: 4th Floor , Science and Technology Park,Tabarestan alley,Sari kenar, Sari,IRAN

Phone: 011 - 33 10 95 99

Fax: 011 - 33 37 22 03

Mobile: 0912 - 134 67 44

More Information: Fruit coating Technology Pooshesh Hayate Sabz Company
Would you prefer fruit with longer life span or a more appealing appearance?
Coating increases your products added value in domestic sale & rise exports.
What is fruit coating?
Since 80-90% most fruit consist of water, nature protects fruit by a natural wax layer to preserve their humidity.
To keep fruit, washing dirt resulting from fruit staying on tree is necessary but during washing process, fruits natural coating is removed & fruit lose their water quickly.
Because fruit breathe even after being picked, that is, they take in air oxygen & excrete CO2 & ethylene that the absorbed oxygen converts fruit inner sugars into acids & alcohols & makes fruit sour & spoiled. Using coating liquid to keep fruit for a longer time is critical

number of visits : 1131
Date of Registration : 1395-06-17
Expiration date : 1403-07-03

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