Iran Tooska

Iran Tooska

Subject: Production and distribution of a variety of wooden artifacts

Province: Tehran

Address: No.199, Saraei Sadi, Islamic Iranian Market, Phase 4, Andisheh - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 65 34 19 61

Mobile: 0912 - 698 36 90

More Information: Introducing Iran Tooska
Production and distribution of all kinds of wooden products, traditional decor including: dining table, shoe racks, all kinds of inductors, stands and chests in different sizes and dimensions, wooden candle holders, wardrobe, and lcd table, led, place Key, design and decor of the facade All orders are accepted.

number of visits : 760
Date of Registration : 1397-01-08
Expiration date : 1404-01-15

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