Subject: Manufacturing of different range of Polyethylene Products

Province: West Azerbaijan

Address: 5k.m Airport Road, Urmia – IRAN

Phone: 044 - 32 72 09 38 ، 044 - 32 72 09 29

Fax: 044 - 32 72 09 40

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: 0902 - 272 09 29

More Information: IRANPASH Company established manufacturing of different range of Polyethylene Products in vast variations about 700 numbers of productions in 1988 in Urmia with the management of Dr. Mir Ghasem Mirzadeh.
These products are divided into 10 main categories as following:
- Various types of polyethylene multilayer tanks (horizontal, vertical, cubic, rectangular, conical bottom, under-stairs) in different capacity ranges from 50 to 60,000 liters.
- Industrial components
- Types of tubs in different shapes and capacities from 60 to 30,000
- Various recreational Boats for kids and adults, catamaran, canoe, swift boats equipped with engine
- Marine and Fishery supplies
- Urban furniture
- All traffic safety signs and elements.
- Various fish farming cages and pools for free waters and back of dam
- Variety types of overt and covert waterslides. And different kinds of park play
- Prefabricated PE Panel Houses.

number of visits : 812
Date of Registration : 1398-09-06
Expiration date : 1404-09-10

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