Pouya Sanat Taksun

Pouya Sanat Taksun

Subject: Manufacturer of induction flood devices

Province: Tehran

Address: No.12, Mahan II, In front of Damdaran Blvd., Haft Jooy Industrial Zone, Shahriar Road to Kara, Shahr-e-Ghods - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 46 89 31 69

Fax: 021 - 46 89 31 73

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: 0912 - 024 30 38

Mobile: 0912 - 366 24 34

More Information: Pouya Sanat Taksun Industrial Complex is proud of its products, which include all kinds of induction flood foil machines - gas electrofusion and special electronic machines with 24 months unconditional warranty, 10 years after-sales service and abundant supply of spare parts in Dispose of applicants. We always try to satisfy the applicants and by having experienced specialists and modern technology, also according to the needs of the domestic market and foreign samples, we have tried to provide you with our products with the best quality and the highest efficiency.
Products :
- Induction flood machine: automatic induction flood, semi-automatic induction flood, manual induction flood
- Electrofusion
- Types of induction flood gaskets: foam induction flood gasket, cardboard induction flood gasket, Easy Open single layer induction flood gasket, glass induction flood gasket
- Types of steel tanks

number of visits : 779
Date of Registration : 1398-12-15
Expiration date : 1403-12-16

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