BaftoBana Co.

BaftoBana Co.

Subject: Consulting Engineers Services - Research, design, production and execution of prefabricated walls as well as interior and exterior coatings

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 18, No.1564, Farhang Complex, below the Dolat three roads, Shariati St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 22 61 25 71 - 74 ، 021 - 22 00 11 23

More Information: Baft O Bana Company started its activity in the specialized field of construction with the following two goals:
- Services of consulting engineers
- Development, production and application of new construction technologies
By conducting research on the topic, this company has done its best in the field of research, design, production and implementation of prefabricated walls as well as internal and external coatings. Creating lightweight concrete manufacturing technology and using it in blocks and panels under the B BLOCK brand name is one of the great and important successes of Baft and Bana Company in the matter of lightening and optimizing the building. Also, this company managed to obtain an exclusive representation from SKK Company of Japan, which is one of the pioneers of new construction and industrial technologies in the field of paint and coating in the world. This company is determined to keep pace with other developments in the world, while the array of competent services in the country's engineering system to solve existing problems, by achieving the latest days and transformations in construction methods to improve technical, operational and environmental indicators. It is cities. And improving living conditions and developing new construction technologies is the source of services in our beloved country of Iran.
Introduction of SKK company
In 1955 in Japan, SK Kaken started producing and researching globally in the fields of paints, coatings, resins, and solvents, and by developing its programs as a manufacturer of paints and building coatings, in line with the trends of the 21st century, advanced It is impressive. . SKK is ready to provide appropriate answers to the increasing use of buildings, raising environmental indicators and improving urban landscapes by helping to build an environment for better living during the last half century. Due to the high quality of its products, SKK has also succeeded in obtaining the ISO 14001, 9002 and 9001 certifications. Currently, SKK is active with dozens of shows in Asia, Europe, America and Africa, providing its distributor and production distribution services.
SKK company offers a wide range of products with application in different fields of construction. Benefiting from extensive research and presenting new ideas, this company expands its wide range of products day by day to meet the technical and artistic needs of the world community. Currently, SKK produces more than 250 types of coatings and 2000 different products, which are classified in the following areas:
- Building coatings and paints
- Coatings and decorative colors
- Industrial coatings
- Restoration covers
- Protective coverings of the structure
- Fireproof coatings
- Covering the roof and the area
- Solvents and chemical resins
- Building insulation

number of visits : 569
Date of Registration : 1399-06-18
Expiration date : 1404-06-19

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