Rafco Company

Rafco Company

Subject: Design and production of kitchen and bathroom cabinets and interior decoration

Province: Tehran

Address: No.152, at the beginning of Shiraz St., Molla Sadra St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 88 61 17 98

Mobile: 0912 - 226 26 11

More Information: Rafco Company with more than 25 years of experience and useful experience in the field of design and production of kitchen cabinets, bathrooms and interior decoration, it is one of the few companies that is highly proficient in modern and classic cabinets and combines both models in the best way with the methods World Day designs and executes.
Rafco is proud to rely on a high percentage of customer satisfaction after 25 years of experience and to go to global markets with the support of its customers and export its products to Turkey, UAE, Spain and Azerbaijan. Has opened a new branch in Melbourne, Australia since the summer of 1398.

number of visits : 635
Date of Registration : 1399-07-23
Expiration date : 1404-07-29

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