Nekoo Behine Machine

Nekoo Behine Machine

Subject: Importer of injection molding machines - Production of plastic parts

Province: Tehran

Address: No.1&3, Ettehad St., Ab-Ali Rd., Tehranpars, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 74914

Fax: 021 - 77 35 42 79

More Information: Founded in 2003, Nekoo Behine Machine Co. (NBM) quickly grown from a small importer of injection molding machines to one of the industry's leading companies. The company's trade mark was registered by code number 218761. Today NBM provides an extensive choice of different high-quality plastic processing machineries for its customers including injection molding machines, blow molding machines, auxiliary equipment and automation systems. NBM is well-known for offering outstanding aftersales services and commitment to customers' rights.
On 2015 after 12 years of successful cooperation with Chinese Ningbo Haixing Plastic Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd, NBM was able to become exclusive representative of Guangdong Yizumi Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. in Iran. Yizumi is ranked in the top range of the industry and is one of the greatest manufacturers of injection molding machines in the world. Today, in addition to being exclusive representative of these two important Chinese manufacturer of injection molding machines, NBM has enhanced its range of products and services to selling and distributing blow molding machines, molds for injection molding, auxiliary equipment and industrial robots.
Now we proudly present the new consultation services for establishing complete production lines. Our outstanding profession and experience in plastic industry combined with creativeness in designing efficient products plus our cooperation with the most significant suppliers of injection molding machines and robots, are our main keys to providing the thorough services.

number of visits : 524
Date of Registration : 1399-08-17
Expiration date : 1404-08-18

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