Grouk Company

Grouk Company

Subject: Design and manufacture of food industry dryers

Province: Tehran

Address: Grouk Building, Pardis Technology Park, 20 km of Damavand road, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 77 60 19 27

Fax: 021 - 88 48 34 60

Mobile: 0912 - 358 99 06

More Information: Geographical area and wide climatic diversity, sunlight and soil potential of our dear country Iran give us unique agricultural products that due to the many problems of these divine blessings from the harvest cycle to consumption have a lot of waste. To compensate for, prevent, and reduce the percentage of this agricultural waste, drying crops has been a thing of the past. With the advancement of industry and technology, drying methods have also improved and the need of global markets for quality products and wide competition between manufacturers to enter international markets and the imposition of certain standards are all factors that need to improve methods. They force manufacturers to dry and be hygienic and consistent with quality. In order to achieve this great national goal, Grouk Engineering Design Company, with more than 13 years of experience in designing and manufacturing food industry dryers, has produced a special device with unique capabilities. Our goal is not just to sell a dryer. By purchasing the above system, you will enjoy consulting services from installation to product production and presentation to domestic and foreign markets.

number of visits : 664
Date of Registration : 1399-08-18
Expiration date : 1404-08-20

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