Behsuz Industrial Group

Behsuz Industrial Group

Subject: Producer of home appliances such as samovars, shredder vegetables and kettles

Province: Tehran

Address: No.28, Imam Reza 30 St., Khatoon Abad, Khavaran Highway, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 36 46 74 19 - 20 ، 021 - 36 46 74 17

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: S_vanosh@

More Information: Behsuz Industrial Group started researching the samovar industry in 1344 and also started the traditional production of samovars. Finally, after conducting several researches, in 1979, with the establishment of a workshop, he started to produce oil and electric samovars, and with the development of the city gas system, he directed the production process of samovars towards the production of gas samovars. At present, this factory was able to meet some of the needs of the Iranian family by producing home appliances such as samovars, shredder vegetables and kettles. Today, after half a century of experience, creativity, quality in Vanush products, we are always your warm home guests. Our products are the best type of brass sheet (Bahonar Kerman) with the maximum thickness of the body sheet is 0.8 and the thickness of the oven sheet is 0.7 mm. All our products have a 12-month warranty.

number of visits : 342
Date of Registration : 1399-09-03
Expiration date : 1403-09-06

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