Nemooneh Ind.Group

Nemooneh Ind.Group

Subject: Procurement of raw materials for auto parts manufacturers, office furniture industries, home appliances, all kinds of fences and stairs, hospital equipment and manufacturer of club and bodybuilding machine profiles - import of all kinds of light and heavy industrial machines and set up factory in iron field

Province: Tehran

Address: Chalukeh St., not reached Baba Salman, Khademabad, Shahriar - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 66 37 37 53 - 54

More Information: Nemooneh Industrial Group since 2005 under the management of Mr. Alireza Alizadeh with the aim of providing raw materials for auto parts manufacturers , office furniture industry, home appliances, fences and stairs, hospital equipment and manufacturer of club and bodybuilding profiles Provides professional services to a wide range of respected craftsmen by completing the machines and benefiting from the power of expert engineers and specialized personnel.
Nemooneh Industrial Group is a manufacturer of precision decimal tubes, bushings as well as asymmetrical shapes in the form of cold tension for the automotive and lathe industries. Pipe pulling, pipe cutting, bending, pipe trapping and parts services are performed in this production unit.
Nemooneh Industrial Group produces a variety of special forms required by bodybuilding equipment factories in different sizes and dimensions. This unit has production lines and shapes of oval, bean, sliding and special sections required for making bodybuilding and bodybuilding machines.
field of activity :
- Design and manufacture of furniture bases
- Making all kinds of table and cabinet bases
- Design and manufacture of table and chair bases
- Making all kinds of metal bases
- Design and manufacture of the most modern types of furniture bases
- Performing conic and shaping services

number of visits : 519
Date of Registration : 1399-11-27
Expiration date : 1403-11-29

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