Pasargad Trade Tools

Pasargad Trade Tools

Subject: Supply of Cutting tools, measuring instruments, molding equipment used in different industry and giving ways for optimization tools

Province: Tehran

Address: No.22, Saba Battery st., Pasargad industrial town, 19 km of Tehran-Saveh highway, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 56 57 79 16 - 19

Fax: 021 - 56 57 79 14

Mobile: 0912 - 016 69 23

More Information: Pasargad Trade Tools have more than 20 years experience in the cutting tools field, measuring instruments, molding equipment used in different industry and giving ways for optimization tools with expert, experienced and supply services giving free consolation in the field of production process services , will be honored in this regard participate that's target company.

number of visits : 333
Date of Registration : 1400-08-30
Expiration date : 1403-09-06

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