Sepidar Carton

Sepidar Carton

Subject: Design, printing and production of three-layer and five-layer cartons, boxes and hard boxes, flexo, laminate and die-cut printing, laser engraving and cutting services

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 136, Beginning of Begonia Street, Golestan Blvd., Phase 2, Kharazmi Township, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 77 28 93 90 - 91 ، 021 - 77 82 31 72

Fax: 021 - 77 28 93 91

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Telegram : 0912 - 245 76 36

Mobile: 0912 - 849 54 84 ، 0912 - 245 76 36

More Information: Sepidar Carton production group, with more than a decade of experience in the carton industry and the production of packaging boxes, is known as one of the leaders in this field. Using quality raw materials and advanced technologies, we produce a variety of products that meet the needs of different businesses. Our services include expert advice, design and production of customized cartons and exclusive printing. Commitment to quality, innovation and customer satisfaction are our main priorities. By choosing Sepidar Carton, you will benefit from a professional experience and quality products.
The production and sale of Sepidar Carton products are generally carried out in the following three categories:
Design, printing and production of three-layer and five-layer cartons, boxes and hard boxes.
Types of flexo, laminate and diecut printing
Laser engraving and cutting services
The devices of Sepidar Carton collection for providing the above products are:
Fully automatic 4-color flexo printing with rotary die-cut
Automatic and semi-automatic lamination
Fully automatic carton and box gluer
Jaw die cut with different sizes (4 units)
Full automatic hard box production line with high speed and quality
Products :
- Flexo carton, laminated carton, cardboard box, hard box, fantasy and chocolate box

number of visits : 71
Date of Registration : 1402-07-19
Expiration date : 1404-05-09

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