Matin Yadak Iranian

Matin Yadak Iranian

Subject: Designer and manufacturer of hoists and hydraulic hoists and hydraulic devices

Province: Tehran

Address: Shams Abad Industrial Town, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 55 26 29 36 ، 021 - 55 24 53 25

Fax: 021 - 55 24 53 25

Mobile: 0912 - 516 31 43

More Information: Matin Yadak Iranian Industrial Group is a designer, manufacturer and importer of elevators and hydraulic, manual and electric devices. Matin Yadak Iranian Industrial Group (Express Industrial Group) has been working in the field of specialized hydraulic lathe and specialized welding of industrial machinery since 2001. Has started.
During these years, this group has produced pallet jacks, manual, electric, rechargeable, barrel and barrel lifters, workshop cranes, forklifts, industrial, store and home hydraulic lifts.
Products :
- Hydraulic lift: lift, wheelchair lift, home lift, office lift
- Pallet jack: Manual pallet jack, short pallet jack, scissor pallet jack, long pallet jack, weighted pallet jack, polyurethane wheel pallet jack, 3 ton pallet jack, pallet jack wheel, electric truck pallet jack
- Forklift: cordless forklift, manual stacker, manual forklift
- Barrel holder: Barrel lift, manual barrel lift, electric barrel lift
- Hydraulic table: Manual hydraulic table, electric hydraulic table, movable hydraulic table, fixed electric hydraulic table
- Hydraulic hoist
- Workshop crane: manual workshop crane, electric workshop crane

number of visits : 1317
Date of Registration : 1396-01-03
Expiration date : 1404-01-15

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