Gas Souzan IND. & MFG

Gas Souzan IND. & MFG

Subject: Designer and production of diaphragm gas meters،Micro thermal mass flow meters ,domestic and industrial pressure gas regulators, insulating joints ,meter stop valves ,axial flow valves, turbine gas meters ,dry gas filters, shut off valves ,radio frequency gas meters by portable and immobile reading system , prepayment gas meters ,gas station with remote monitoring system , gas volume converter and different types of valves

Province: Isfahan

Address: Gas Souzan St., Industrial Zone, Najafabad - IRAN

Phone: 031 - 42 49 90 61 - 69

Fax: 031 - 42 49 90 05

More Information: GAS SOUZAN IND. & MFG . company with the aim of improving the gas industry was founded in 1980. At the beginning GSC has entered the production of gaseous equipment specially used in gas distribution networks. Today the company is extended with 5 complexes to promote its activities as designation and production of diaphragm gas meters,Micro thermal mass flow meters ,domestic and industrial pressure gas regulators, insulating joints ,meter stop valves ,axial flow valves, turbine gas meters ,dry gas filters, shut off valves ,radio frequency gas meters by portable and immobile reading system, prepayment gas meters ,gas station with remote monitoring system, gas volume converter and different types of valves . GSC has 1250 employees .For updating the technical knowledge , GSC has signed different contract and agreements with reputable international companies and science research centers worldwide.

number of visits : 491
Date of Registration : 1400-03-10
Expiration date : 1404-03-11

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