Behine Sazan Holding

Behine Sazan Holding

Subject: Manufacturer of devices such as high-capacity automatic bag filling systems, automatic and with a unique design, air bag filling system, Valve Packet bag filling system, blastro rswiper shock machines - providing consulting services, engineering Reverse and manufacture and design of machinery and equipment production lines of mineral industries and metallic and non-metallic minerals in more than 300 industrial and mining factories inside and outside the country

Province: Tehran

Address: Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 28 42 32 04

More Information: Behine Sazan Holding is a group of companies active in the field of design, construction, installation and commissioning of industrial line machinery and localization of new technologies in the manufacturing and mining industries, which has been operating for almost 20 years now.
Behine Sazan Engineering Group as the first and only manufacturer of devices such as high-capacity, full-bag automatic bag filling systems, automatic and with a unique design, air bag filling system, Valve Packet bag filling system, blastro airswiper shock devices ( Air vacuum cleaner) and several other devices has always been one of the leaders in the field of technical and engineering services in Iran.
Design, production, manufacture and supply of various packages of industrial products:
- Mineral packing and loading machines with the ability to pack in different tonnages
- Mineral export terminals in border areas (land and sea)
- Semi-automatic and fully automatic 1500 kg jumbo bag filling systems
- Shock Blaster-Air Sweeper
- Systems for measuring, controlling, monitoring and recording and viewing production reports
- Conveyor weighing systems and inlet weighing controllers to mill, furnace and Weigh Feeder - Belt Scale

number of visits : 475
Date of Registration : 1400-10-17
Expiration date : 1404-10-17

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