

Subject: Equipment manufacturing in the field of pharmaceutical, chemical and petroleum industries including two departments: pharmaceutical and cosmetic equipment (MachineDarou) and chemical, oil, gas and petrochemical equipment (Petromana)

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 10, No. 1, Alimohammadi Alley, Soheil St., Shariati St., Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 22 21 12 13 ، 021 - 22 20 13 96 - 97

More Information: MachineDarou - Petromana Industrial Group is an equipment manufacturing concern in the field of pharmaceutical, chemical and petroleum industries including two departments: pharmaceutical and cosmetic equipment (MachineDarou) and chemical, oil, gas and petrochemical equipment (Petromana).
Relying on the engineering knowledge and manufacturing capabilities of the company and also years of experience of its personnel, MDP has invented equipment for various industries based on current world standards and this guarantees the quality and reliability of the products.
Providing engineering services such as designing pressure vessels and heat exchangers along with developing machines and equipment have expanded the group's relationship with various industries that in turn leads to updated engineering knowledge of the group's engineers.
Products :
- Vacuum Mixers and Homogenizers, Batch Homogenizer, Tablet Coating Machine, Powder Blenders And Dryers, Laboratory Equipment, Process Mixers and Reactors, Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchangers

number of visits : 573
Date of Registration : 1400-11-20
Expiration date : 1403-11-21

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