Arash Machine Building

Arash Machine Building

Subject: Manufacturer of dairy and ice cream production line and food industry

Province: Tehran

Address: No. 3, at the beginning of Khani St., Sabalan Ideal Industrial Town, in front of Nasirshahr, not far from Robat Karim, Tehran-Saveh Road, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 66 80 08 41 ، 021 - 56 58 42 64

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: @arash_machinery1

Mobile: 0912 - 199 68 91 ، 0912 - 928 21 62

More Information: Arash Machine Building with experienced staff and more than 30 years of brilliant experience in the field of manufacturing machinery and tanks for dairy, ice cream and pharmaceutical industries and has a powerful resume backed by quality and common innovation, is always one of the successful and old brands in the country. It has extensive exports to Asia, Europe and South America.
Products :
- Steel tanks and pumps, Rotary filling machines, Linear filling machines, Freezers

number of visits : 707
Date of Registration : 1400-11-20
Expiration date : 1404-11-20

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