Behin Etessal Sepahan

Behin Etessal Sepahan

Subject: Major producer and distributor of single-layer and five-layer fittings and accessories, collector box, fire box, mounting plate, knee, stenciled knee, cap, package cover, sub-package mounting plate, poppet valve, polymer

Province: Isfahan

Address: Amir Kabir Industrial Town, Isfahan - IRAN

Phone: 031 - 33 86 47 03

Whatsapp - Telegram - Instagram: Telegram : @BESepahan

Mobile: 0913 - 137 30 41

More Information: Behin Etesal Sepahan Company is a major manufacturer and distributor of single layer and five layer fittings and accessories, collector box, fire box box, mounting plate, knee, stenciled knee, cap, package cover, sub-package mounting plate, valve, nut Polymer and brass spool

number of visits : 315
Date of Registration : 1402-06-16
Expiration date : 1404-08-03

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