Shirin Shahd Tabarestan

Shirin Shahd Tabarestan

Subject: Production various kinds of sugar cubes, single sugar cube, grooved and cut cubes and package types of sugar in different weight

Province: Mazandaran

Address: Rostam Kola Industrial Estate, Qaemshahr, IRAN

Phone: 011 - 44 48 01 10

More Information: Factory Shirin Shahd Tabarestan is located 16 kilometers from the provincial capital of Mazandaran in the city Ghaemshahr and adjacent the River Siahrood. The Factory was founded in 1993 aimed to produce sugar, Factory License No. 315-4096 of Industries and Mines in 1995 as the first massive sugar factory was established in Mazandaran province. In the same year, with Givehchi sugar factory was registered as a joint stock over 4774 numbers, then in July 2012 the company name was changed Shirin Shahd Tabarestan. The main products factory include various kinds of sugar cubes, single sugar cube, grooved and cut cubes and package types of sugar in different weight. Potential production capacity of the Factory is 10,500000 kg per year. Factory Shirin Shahd Tabarestan utilizes the expertise and qualified personnel using appropriate technology and the Factory has the highest level of product quality.

number of visits : 1257
Date of Registration : 1396-02-29
Expiration date : 1404-03-11

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