Sarv Azin Rooyesh Co

Sarv Azin Rooyesh Co

Subject: Production, distribution, import and packaging of agricultural fertilizers

Province: Tehran

Address: Unit 11, Third Floor, No. 23, Golestan I, Western Water Organization, Sadeghieh 2nd Square, Tehran - IRAN

Phone: 021 - 44 05 77 08

More Information: Sarv Azin Rooyesh Company (Sarko) was established in 2010 in Eshtehard industrial town. The company includes activities such as production, distribution, import and packaging of agricultural fertilizers The names are, Telux, Menuring, Power and Nutrix.
The company offers new and quality products in accordance with international standards and superior services, It has succeeded in attracting active representatives in all parts of our country.
Sarv Azin Rooyesh Company by supplying raw materials from the most reputable domestic and foreign manufacturers, with daily production And recently in the crop has been able to put a wide range of fertilizers in the commodity basket Provided itself. Aligning products with the climatic characteristics of our beloved country Iran and adapting them to the needs of farmers as well Active presence of skilled and experienced experts in the technical support department, gains consumer confidence Have become.
The main goal of this company to enter the market of agricultural inputs is to supply new economic products And also the basis of complete consumer satisfaction in order to fully meet the needs of farmers by domestic products Be. We hope that our efforts and actions can lead to positive and effective changes in attitudes towards the product Be Iranian as much as possible in the agricultural sector.

number of visits : 479
Date of Registration : 1399-11-16
Expiration date : 1403-11-17

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